Durable ‘Double Cutie’

by Em
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One of my favorite daylilies of all time is the dashing, daffodil-doppelgänger ‘Double Cutie’. The cultivar is usually my first daylily to bloom each year, and it keeps putting on a show for months.

I have one clump growing in the retaining wall in our front yard. I’m anxious to see if ANYTHING survives winter in that bed much less ‘Double Cutie’. The plants in the rest of my yard are tucked under a layer of snow and may have a chance after months of below-zero temperatures, but the plants in that wall bed are more exposed and to make it worse, the wall faces due north.

Last winter there was more snow, but a lot of the street salt ended up in that wall bed. My plant tags didn’t survive, but all the plants did and ‘Double Cutie’ never looked better:

Hopefully my plant can muster more of that can-do spirit and dazzle me again with blooms once spring finally decides to arrive.

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