Flower Ideas: Show Me…Something Lavender

by Em

Thalictrum (Meadow Rue) ‘Black Stockings’ is a perennial that blooms in early summer in full sun or partial-shade. Once established the plants can grow as tall as 5 feet.

The more sun this plant gets, the darker the flower stems become. ‘Black Stockings’ has ferny, dark-green foliage with fluffy, lavender flowers.

Petunia ‘Opera Supreme Lilac Ice’ is an annual that grows 4 to 6 inches tall and spreads 2 to 3 feet. The light-purple flowers have contrasting dark-purple veins.

Opera petunias bloom all summer long until a hard freeze, and they don’t require any deadheading. The plants look lovely tumbling out of pots and planters or meandering through a flowerbed.

Ageratum ‘Blue Diamond’ is also an annual. The plants grow 14 to 16 inches tall with fuzzy, vivid-lavender flowers.

‘Blue Diamond’ will bloom throughout the summer if you keep the flowers deadheaded. The mounded plants are sturdy and disease-resistant. The flowers look fetching with many other garden colors. I love to grow this cultivar with red flowers like zinnias or salvias.

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jamesck18 November 18, 2014 - 12:11 pm

The Ageratum and Zinnias make a beautiful contrast! I made a compliment re: your Rainbow Knock Out rose, but got no response and cannot find my comment. We’ve had a very difficult summer with health problems. As well we visited Toronto for a month. Got back yesterday. Seems like some of the comments I made earlier have been deleted. I find your site beautiful and invigorating. You have given me great advice. James

Em November 19, 2014 - 10:39 am

Hi James! It’s so good to hear from you again. I’m sorry about the missing comments. I’ve been absolutely inundated with spam comments in the last few months (we’re talking hundreds of them). Recently I was trying out a new way to delete them without having to check each one individually and the program grabbed and deleted a bunch of “real” comments (including some of our exchanges). I was mortified. Needless to say I’m back to deleting spam comments one by one…If you have any gardening questions that were deleted previously and you need to ask them again, please ask away!

Thanks for the kind comments, and I hope your family’s health problems are behind you!

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