
by Em
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It’s May Day today, but I feel more like shouting “mayday” because this weather is giving me fits. I can’t figure out what phase of spring we’re in now. Is it the terrible twos? The moody teenager? The know-it-all college sophomore? Whatever the deal is, spring needs to get it together and start acting like a grown-up. I’ve got plants that are itching to get outside. Well, if they knew what it was like outside, I’m sure they’d quickly change their minds, but that’s beside the point.

We had 18 days of below-normal “high” temperatures in April, and it looks like that trend will continue for at least the next several days. It wouldn’t be so bad if we were one or two degrees below average on those days, but it’s usually by a margin of 10 or 15 degrees. Even the tulips and daffodils have decided it’s too chilly to start blooming.

There were two precious, gone-too-fast, 70-degree days in April. The weather people informed us they were the first ones we’d experienced since the beginning of last October. No wonder we’re all going stir crazy.

Meanwhile back inside, flower buds are appearing on some of my impatiens:

And aren’t these happy little coleus plants?

My plants and I are rarin’ to go. Spring, it’s your move.


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