The Guests Have Arrived

by Em
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The migrating birds have finally found their way to my backyard. What I thought might be one of the worst years ever for birding has turned into one of the best. And because I started my plants a few weeks later than normal this year, I’ve actually had some rare free time to do a little birding in my backyard and in some local natural areas.

The first birds to arrive besides the sparrows were the Baltimore Orioles. I’m seeing and hearing them everywhere. I don’t usually get them in my backyard, so I wasn’t prepared to offer them their favorite food—grape jelly—but they still land on the feeders and the birdbaths from time to time. And they brighten up the neighborhood with their beautiful song.

Over the weekend an Indigo Bunting made an appearance. Usually they dine with the goldfinches on the feeders, but this one was more comfortable hopping around under the feeders picking up leftovers.

The Rose-breasted Grosbeaks are always a few days behind the other birds, and this year was no exception. One day I looked out the window and noticed six of them on the feeder. We had a severe thunderstorm yesterday morning and they continued to eat casually during the wind and rain. It wasn’t until the sheets of rain started flying horizontally that they finally flew away to seek shelter.





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