Zinnia ‘Magellan Salmon’

by Em
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I love the Magellan series zinnias. They are very easy to sprout from seed—I usually get nearly 100% germination—and once the plants are in the garden they need little care other than occasional deadheading to keep those pretty flowers coming all summer long.

One of the newer colors in the series is ‘Magellan Salmon’. The flowers are really more of a medium-pink with a few whispers of coral or orange in the petals. I think they’re gorgeous:

Magellan zinnias grow 12 to 14 inches tall with 5-inch flowers. The plants are drought-resistant and resistant to most insect pests. While Japanese beetles will munch on the flowers of tall zinnias, they tend to leave the dwarf varieties alone.

Zinnias prefer full sun but they will also tolerate partial-shade. The plants are attractive to bees and butterflies.

‘Magellan Salmon’ starts blooming in June and will continue putting on a show until frost if you remove the spent flowers.


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