Zinnia ‘Zahara Raspberry’

by Em

I’m excited to add another Zahara zinnia to my seed-sprouting must-have list. I first noticed ‘Zahara Raspberry’ growing in an AAS display garden this summer. The pretty, dark-pink blooms have purple undertones, and that color really stands out against the plant’s medium-green foliage.

The cultivar is already available from several mainstream seed companies. If I hadn’t seen and photographed the flowers in person, I may have worried that the color was too similar to ‘Zahara Double Cherry’, but ‘Zahara Raspberry’ is definitely darker. This is ‘Zahara Double Cherry’:

Zaharas are practically idiot-proof. They churn out hundreds of blooms from early summer until frost. The blooms last a very long time so you don’t have to do a lot of deadheading, and the plants would probably just keep blooming even if you didn’t. They aren’t bothered by pests or diseases, and they are easy to sprout from seed.

Sometimes in late summer Zahara zinnias bloom so heavily that they can get a little top-heavy and tippy. I just prop them up with a short bamboo stake that gets hidden by all the blooms and foliage. Problem solved.

Zahara zinnias grow 12 to 18 inches tall in sun or partial-shade. My plants grow in partial-shade and average closer to 18 inches than 12. These reliable, long-bloomers anchor the second and third rows of most of my flowerbeds each summer.


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jamesck18 December 3, 2014 - 9:35 am

I especially like the Zahara Raspberry. This past summer I tried Profusion Double Fire and Zahara Bonfire. Both were as you’ve so succinctly described the Zahara. With so much rain and below normal temperatures during August and September, they helped to brighten our spirits.
I already have recieved four packets of seed from Swallowtail Seeds – mixed double Profusion, Magellan, Denver Daisy Rudbeckia, and Coreopsis Roullette. But they were costly when one includes the shipping fee and the Canadian dollar.
Healthwise, my wife has received a good report. I have to see a specialist on Friday. Not looking forward to that. James

Em December 3, 2014 - 12:38 pm

I’m really excited about ‘Zahara Raspberry.’ There aren’t many colors left for Zahara breeders to create, but I hope they keep cranking them out! I’m glad the Zaharas performed well for you and brightened your spirits, and it’s great to hear that your wife is doing well.

You’ll have to let me know how ‘Roulette’ works out for you. I tried it this past summer. My plants grew a ridiculous 57 inches tall (so much for 18-24″) and looked silly in the second row of my flowerbed towering above everything. The flowers are really cool, though. I have seed left over, so I may sprout some for next summer. I’ll just be planting them in the BACK of the flowerbed!

jamesck18 December 4, 2014 - 1:24 pm

Thanks for the tip re: the Roulette. Think I’ll try them in poorer soil and see what happens. Was thinking of putting them amongst some lilies to give the spot some color when the lilies are finished blooming. But that might not work! Talk again, James

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