Durango Marigolds

by Em
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I’ve been itchin’ to get my hands on some Durango marigold seeds since I saw some showing off in a botanical garden in early August. I’m thrilled that several seed companies (including Harris Seeds, Stokes Seeds and Johnny’s Selected Seeds) are offering them for 2015.

Durango marigolds are compact and bushy with strong stems. Here is ‘Durango Tangerine’:

The plants bloom like crazy and the flowers are quite large for French marigolds. This is ‘Durango Yellow’:

Here’s ‘Durango Red’:

There are several more Durango cultivars available including Bee, Bolero, Gold, Orange and a ‘Durango Mix’. There’s also an ‘Outback Mix’:

Durango marigolds have an upright habit and bloom extra-early in the gardening season. The plants grow 10-12 inches tall in full or partial-sun. Like other marigolds, Durango is easy to sprout from seed. You can even direct-sow them in the garden when the soil has warmed up in late spring.


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