Spring Indoors

by Em

The other night when I was lowering the shades I got a wonderful whiff of something that reminded me of spring or Easter. I looked around and discovered that my first forced hyacinth bulbs are starting to bloom.

‘Gypsy Queen’ grows 8-12 inches tall with salmon-colored flowers. Those flowers smell deliciously-sweet.

I also have a tulip peeking out from its foliage. This is Triumph Tulip ‘Suncatcher’:

The flowers are bright yellow with scarlet-red petal edges. ‘Suncatcher’ grows 16 to 18 inches tall. When grown outside it’s hardy in Zones 3-7. I forced my bulbs instead. I potted them up in early November and kept them in a cool garage for about 11 weeks before bringing them in the house to bloom.

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jamesck18 February 5, 2015 - 8:06 am

Glad to know you were successful with forcing your spring bulbs. They look great and give the hint that spring is not too far off. We have experienced fluctuating temperatures – very little snow. James

Em February 5, 2015 - 12:21 pm

We went from no snow to a 10-inch snow cover within 3 days. At least I’ll be able to crack out the cross-country skiis at least once this winter. The hyacinths are making me very happy. Every time I walk into the room I smell spring!

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