
by Em

When I stepped outside to look for new blooms in my flowerbeds yesterday morning, the crisp air that hit my face and arms felt wonderful, but it was also a bit of a shock. The day before had been so very warm and humid.

I wasn’t the only one caught off-guard. As I walked around the yard I kept running into zonked-out bumblebees that must’ve “sheltered in place” when the chilly temperatures started limiting their ability to fly.

The sun had been shining on these two bumblebees for at least an hour when I found them, but they were still catching some Zs.

This guy was still slumbering when my camera zoomed in on him, but a few minutes later he started checking out the zinnia he’d been using for a bed:

These two were my favorite. They clung together on daylily buds overnight. Because they were in the shade the longest, they woke up last:


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