Eager Bees

by Em

Earlier this week, on a mild winter day, I spotted the first honeybees of the year. They were rummaging around in the bird seed on one of our platform feeders.

At first I thought they were there to get moisture or sugars from the past-prime blueberries I’d tossed on the platform. But they were more interested in the bird seed.

A photo of a honeybee rummaging in birdseed
A photo of a honeybee rummaging in birdseed

I hope they made it safely back to their hive because the weather took a turn two days later. The platform feeder looked like this:

A photo of bird feeders covered in snow

Next week the warmest weather of the year is supposed to arrive (mid-60sF). The snowdrops are up and should open once the snow melts.

Then the honeybees can focus on flowers instead of bird seed.

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