A Bevy of Blooms: Mum ‘Lemonsota”

by Em

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jamesck18 September 14, 2015 - 1:45 pm

A beautiful Mum! My favorite of the three posted. Adds a touch of sunlight to our dreary rain, drizzle and fog. Except for a half decent August, our Summer has been one of the worst on record. James

Em September 17, 2015 - 7:31 pm

I apologize for the late reply. I had this baby on autopilot for a few days while we took a little vacation. I’m so sorry to hear that your summer growing season was a dud. It will be interesting to see what this “super El Nino” is going to do to our weather this winter and next spring. Hopefully it brings you some sunshine and warmer temperatures!

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