Garden Winner: Liatris Spicata

by Em
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Liatris spicata (Gayfeather, Blazing Star) is an outstanding perennial. I have them scattered throughout my flowerbeds because the beautiful purple spikes look great with just about any other flowers in the garden. I’ve planted them with coneflowers, goldenrod, rudbeckias and daylilies just to name a few.

Liatris are native prairie plants east of the Mississippi. They are carefree, drought-tolerant, and they bloom for weeks in sun or part-shade conditions.

I mostly grow the species plant, Liatris spicata, which gets 24-36 inches tall; however, there also several cultivars. If you’re looking for something shorter, ‘Kobold’ reaches only 18 inches and is more lavender in color. The white spikes of ‘Alba’ grow 24-36 inches tall. All of them bloom from July into September.

One of the best things about Liatris is that they are butterfly and bee magnets. My plants are always bustling with activity, especially from Swallowtail butterflies and bumblebees. It’s a great perk from such an easy-to-grow perennial.

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