Winter Departs with a Vengeance

by Em
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I’m thankful that this first day of spring will be sunny with a high in the low 40s. After a lot of melting this past week, we are finally able to see shrubs we knew we had, curb and gutter and even patches of grass (although a lot of it is covered in snow mold).

I knew I was taking a risk on Monday when I decided I was sick of looking at my winter clothes and packed some of them away for the season. While I was at it, I even pulled a few brightly-colored short-sleeved shirts from storage and washed them and hung them in my closet. The nerve!

Winter isn’t taking this lying down. We are under a Winter Storm Watch tonight and tomorrow for 4 to 7 inches of snow. Would I expect anything else from this crazy ride we’ve been on for months? We’re only 8 inches away from hitting 100 inches of snow for the season. Let’s just get it over with!

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