Rudbeckia ‘Early Bird Gold’ Wins Again

by Em
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Because we had so much rain in July just about every annual rudbeckia I grew or that overwintered eventually shriveled up and died. When I looked around my flowerbeds in August I couldn’t see any of the rudbeckia cultivars I planted in late May.

Meanwhile, my favorite perennial rudbeckia–‘Early Bird Gold’–looked fantastic. Every year the clumps get bigger and better, and because I dig up new runners and transplant them every spring, I now have this cultivar growing all over the place.

The plants grow 24 to 36 inches tall and begin blooming in July. The show continues into fall.

‘Early Bird Gold’ isn’t bothered by pests or diseases, and over the last couple of years my plants have survived a moderate drought, 2 brutal winters and flooding rains with no ill effects.

I don’t see this cultivar for sale around here anymore which is a shame. This is one tough, long-blooming perennial. The plants spread a little each year but they are easy to keep in check, and the runners are easily transplanted elsewhere. This clump came from just a few runners that I planted in spring of 2014.

If you happen to see ‘Early Bird Gold’ for sale at a garden center, don’t pass up the opportunity to grow this long-blooming show-stopper.









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