Zinnia ‘Exquisite’

by Em
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Zinnia ‘Exquisite’ isn’t content showcasing just one color. The flowers bloom in bright coral orĀ  orange-red and fade to shades of salmon, rose and pink. My favorite shade is the coral either when it’s bright:

or as it’s fading:

But the pink is also pretty:

There’s a hint of mischief at the center of the flower like it wants to bust out in a bright purple but just can’t quite get there.

‘Exquisite’ is easy to grow from seed. Just sow seeds in the garden when the soil warms up in the spring (or you can sow them inside 4 weeks before the last frost for a head start). You can plant ‘Exquisite’ next to tomatoes to attract pollinators, the flowers are also enticing to hummingbirds.

‘Exquisite’ grows 36 inches tall and is happiest in full sun but will also thrive in part-sun.


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