Still Hanging Onto ‘Spacecoast Sea Shells’

by Em

‘Spacecoast Sea Shells’ is another daylily that doesn’t bloom for very long for me each summer, but the flowers are so stunning that I don’t have the heart to give the plant away:

The plants grow 30 inches tall with 5.5-inch flowers that have a purple edge and a purple eye with a large creamy-yellow throat.

This evergreen daylily blooms in the middle of the daylily season.


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ear July 5, 2018 - 11:07 am

Like your new garden “spinners”. Where did you get them? On-line, maybe?
Also like the Spacecoast day lily. Very pretty. Have a great day. Oh, I picked, believe it or not!, a whole quart of blueberries today!!! Hadn’t picked since Tuesday, so they really ripened in the heat we’re having. Gonna freeze some and will make a blueberry coffee cake with some.

Em July 5, 2018 - 1:07 pm

Well at least someone is getting blueberries! The chipmunks are devouring mine before I can get to them!

I got the spinners online through Amazon:

The Bruce Company also sells some of that same brand of spinners and other brightly-colored garden art. I bought a small spinning hot air balloon there (there’s a lot of spinning going on in my yard this year!!!). 🙂

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