Happy Maltese Cross Plants

by Em
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My Maltese Cross (Lychnis chalcedonica) plants are really thriving this year. In fact this is the biggest flower display I’ve ever seen from this plant. It’s a bit strange because supposedly they can die off in wet soils and we’ve had plenty of “wet” this year!

I’m pretty sure most of these plants self-seeded over the last 10 years. There are even a few popping up in nearby flowerbeds, but they are not at all invasive or even pesky.

Maltese Cross prefers full sun, but it will tolerate part shade. I do have to stake mine so they don’t flop over—especially in thunderstorms.

The plants grow about 30 inches tall. Not only do they bloom earlier than most of my other summer perennials, but they will continue to bloom for weeks and weeks if I remember to deadhead them.

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