Bald Zinnias

by Em

I thought it was Japanese beetles that were stripping many of my zinnia flowers bald, but it turns out it’s the sweet little goldfinches causing this particular mayhem.

I noticed some of my zinnias bobbing wildly on a windless afternoon which was odd, and that’s when I spotted 3 of the little yellow birds sitting on the flowers plucking petals. Goldfinches have done this in the past, but it’s usually just a flower here or there. Right now there are dozens of balding or totally-bald zinnias in my yard.

I wonder what they are doing with all those petals? Anything? I haven’t been able to get a closer look through binoculars to see if they are just flinging the petals or eating them or carrying them off.


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msbraun7 July 12, 2018 - 9:53 am

Hi, Em! Mom had once shared your blog address with me and I haven’t visited too often — but do love your pictures and entries! I finally figured out how to put a comment here, lol. That is crazy about the finches. Marlin takes care of our bird feeders, and when we had those torrential rains, and were gone, the feed got wet — and those fickle finches have left for better buffet servers, I guess. We now haven’t seen them for awhile, even though he has replaced with fresh seed. Hopefully they will be back.

Em July 15, 2018 - 7:11 pm

They should come back! They are nesting right now (they nest later than most songbirds), so they are probably busy collecting insects for their hatchlings. It’s been a bad year to try to keep feeder seed dry. I’ve been bringing my feeders into the garage when I know it’s going to rain. It’s getting tiring since it rains about every 2 or 3 days! 🙂

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