Cosmos ‘Sweet Sixteen’

by Em

My cosmos ‘Sweet Sixteen’ plants keep growing and growing and growing. Some of them are 4 feet tall now with robust foliage and thick stems. But so far the flowers are few and far between.

One problem is that the Japanese beetles have been fierce this summer, and because there are so many of them, they are running out of plants to eat. That means things like cosmos, which they normally don’t chow down on, are fair game.

I did find one pretty bloom before it was destroyed:

I would like to see what this plant can do when it’s not under attack from insects because the growth and health of this cultivar is impressive.

Cosmos ‘Sweet Sixteen’ grows 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall with light pink flowers edged in dark pink. This is definitely a back-of-the-border annual.

‘Sweet Sixteen’ prefers full sun.

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