Underwhelmed by Zinderellas

by Em
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I really wanted to love the Zinderella series of zinnias. They come in a nice variety of colors and I’m always looking for mid-size annuals for my flowerbeds. But of the 4 colors I planted, only the peach sent up a flower that resembled any of the marketing photos. And so far it’s been just that one flower:

The rest of the flowers are trying, but most of them just have a tiny “tuft” that stands up in the middle of what looks like a regular tall zinnia but has very small blooms (most of them are 2 inches across). This is ‘Zinderella Orange’:

And this is ‘Zinderella Red’. I do like that screaming-red color:

‘Zinderella Purple’ is struggling the most to produce a tuft:

It’s been a weird growing year, so I might be tempted to give these another try next year in a test area to see I get something different. But if this is all I’m going to get I can certainly get the same colors from much-larger-flowering tall zinnias.

Zinderella zinnias grow 25 to 30 inches tall and prefer full sun and well-drained soil.

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