Awash in Anise Hyssop

by Em
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Quite possibly because they did not get sprayed with rabbit/deer repellent back in June, my anise hyssop (licorice mint) plants have been some of the best-looking flowers in my garden this year.

These perennial herbs are bee magnets (especially bumblebees) and grow about 2 feet tall in full sun or in even in the shade (although in the shade they can get a bit floppy).

If you don’t deadhead the plants they do self-seed. I used to say it was controllable, but considering the number of baby plants showing up all over my flowerbeds this year, I have to issue a correction. They are still easy to pull up (it’s not like they have annoying runners or anything), but if you completely forget to deadhead, you might be pulling up a lot of volunteers the following year (and perhaps the year after that and maybe even the year after that).

I usually take some of those baby plants and use them to fill in bare spots in my flowerbeds because these plants are very carefree and low-maintenance.

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