Daylily Adieu

by Em
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I grow two Griesbach-Klehm-bred daylily cultivars whose appearance pretty much signals the end of the daylily growing season for me. They were both introduced in 1979, and both are quite possibly the heaviest bloomers of the 450+ dayliliy cultivars I grow.

‘Baltimore Oriole’ grows 26 inches tall with 6-inch, bright-red flowers that have a gold throat. They pair beautifully with rudbeckias that bloom at the same time.

‘Cookie Monster’ grows 28 inches tall with 7-inch, peach-orange flowers. Their burst of color is like adding sunshine to your flowerbeds:

Both plants can handle below-freezing-temperature winters, and their sturdy stalks don’t droop under the weight of all those gorgeous flowers crammed onto each scape.

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