Sought-after Sunflower Seeds

by Em
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The winter finches used to go crazy for nyger seed at my backyard feeders, so that’s what I offered them.

But over the last 5 or 6 years their tastes have shifted exclusively to hulled sunflower seeds, and now they almost completely ignore the nyger feeders (even if the seed is fresh out of the bag—I know they won’t eat stale seed).

That’s okay because most other winter backyard birds eat sunflower seeds, too, including juncos, cardinals, Blue Jays, Mourning Doves, nuthatches, woodpeckers and sparrows.

The other night I forgot to turn off my little outdoor microphone after dusk. At around 8pm I could distinctly hear something clinging to the hanging feeder next to my window, and it sounded like the creature was chewing. It was too late in the evening for an Eastern Gray Squirrel, and I use squirrel-proof feeders besides, so I was very curious to find out what was raiding my feeder in the dark.

I have top-down shades that were blocking the window halfway from the bottom. I crawled on the floor toward the window and grabbed a flashlight. Then I paused for a moment so I would have the element of surprise.

I quickly popped up and flashed the light on the feeder. That’s when I spotted an adorable little flying squirrel having a snack. He’s light enough that he doesn’t activate the squirrel-proof mechanism.

He looked at me with his beady little brown eyes before leaping into the nearby shrub.

Everybody loves sunflowers!


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