A Daylily Surprise

by Em
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When this flower bloomed I could see it beaming from across the backyard. “What is THAT?”

I bounded over for a better look and still didn’t know which daylily cultivar I was admiring. I had to check the plant tag. Then I understood why it caught me off guard.

It took ‘Wayside Burnt Autumn’ 3 years to bloom in my garden, but it was worth the wait. In the plant’s defense, it was moved twice and its final home is in a partially-shaded area of the garden. Now it’s just loaded with buds.

‘Wayside Burnt Autumn’ blooms very late in the season when most of the other daylilies are finishing their displays. It grows 35 inches tall with beautiful, 6-inch flowers in burnt-orange with a yellow eyezone and green throat.

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