Worried about the Weather

by Em
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Because it’s been such a chilly spring, I delayed seeding some of my flowers because I didn’t want the plants to get too tall under the lights. I’m not sure it will be safe to bring my tender seedlings outside on May 15th to start hardening them off like I usually do.

Our city yard waste and brush pick-up dates already passed while we were still shoveling snow. And usually by now I’ve made a couple of impulse purchases at a garden center. My tulips haven’t even started blooming yet! So far this year I haven’t done a thing in my yard. Not one thing other than walk across it to fill the birdfeeders. It’s just been too wet and chilly and miserable out there.

I did start my tomatoes at the normal time and now I’m regretting it. They are pushing against the bulbs and I can’t lift those lights any higher.

Meanwhile some of my zinnias and marigolds and other annuals are taking forever to sprout. They should be happy that the furnace has been on a lot more than usual for this time of year. That keeps my seed area in the basement very toasty. I don’t know if I got bad seed this year or if they don’t like the soil they are growing in (I tried a new soil last year but I had no issues then) or if it’s some other issue.

I see some 60s(F) in the 10-day forecast. I hope this is the end of the cold weather so we can finally start the growing season!

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