Garden Winner: Daylily ‘Magenta Assault’

by Em
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I love this time of year when the daylilies start popping. Every morning in the garden is a new adventure. Sometimes I like to be surprised, but often I’m too excited and I cheat by walking around the garden the night before looking for blooms that are starting to open.

Last summer the first flower from ‘Magenta Assault’ shouted at me through the window from over 50 feet away. I couldn’t run outside fast enough to admire it and snap some photos.

‘Magenta Assault’ is a chameleon of colors. The 4-inch blooms change colors with the light of day. The flowers can appear salmon, coral and even tangerine or orange. ‘Magenta Assault’ grows 27 inches tall with fragrant flowers.

What I really like about this daylily is that the scapes have branching which means you get more buds:

My plant bloomed for over 5 weeks last summer. This year it has 6 scapes on it so far, so I’m expecting many more weeks of razzle-dazzle.

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