Cresting the Hill

by Em
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My daylilies have reached their peak. The colors in the garden have been spectacular in the last few days. I’ve never had this many blooms. I could spend hours and hours—and I sometimes do—photographing all of them (hey, a girl’s gotta have SOMETHING pretty to look at in the middle of January).

One daylily I’m glad I didn’t give up on is ‘Emporer Butterfly’ (pictured above). It didn’t bloom for the first three years I owned it. Fortunately I moved it one last time into the most sunny location in my yard before I booted it out of my garden. It has rewarded me with weeks of gorgeous blooms for several years now.

Here are some other daylilies showing off right now. This is ‘God is Listening’:

Here’s ‘Tooth’. It has huge 6.5″ blooms:

I wasn’t sure about the first few blooms from ‘Roses in Snow’, but it’s starting to look pretty good now:

At 46 inches tall (with 8-inch blooms!), ‘Jersey Spider’ makes a great back-of-the-border plant:

This is the first year for ‘Her Majesty’s Wizard’ in my garden:

The first flowers from ‘Spider Man’ left a lot to be desired. In fact, I almost put it on the “get-rid-of-it” list. I think it read my mind because it’s been wowing me every since:

‘Always Afternoon’ is always worth the wait:

I didn’t mean to plant ‘Primal Scream’ (front) next to ‘Wide Wide World’, but after the initial color shock I’ve started to grow fond of the screaming combination:

‘Best Kept Secret’ is another new addition to my daylily garden. It has a lovely fragrance:

And last but not least, ‘Magic Carpet Ride’ is one of my favorite reds:

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