It’s finally daylily season, and every morning when I walk around my backyard there are new surprises and new colors vying for my attention.
Here’s ‘Inquire Within’:

This is ‘Bahama Butterscotch’–a heavy bloomer:

‘Bill Norris’ could probably be transplanted into an area with more sun, but it still blooms happily:

‘Buttered Popcorn’ doesn’t have ruffled petals like ‘Bill Norris’, but the flowers are huge and this plant is tough and one of the longest-blooming cultivars I grow:

‘Wayside Painted Lady’ was never officially registered. It has 6.5-inch flowers in a coral-peach with a yellow throat:

And I transplanted ‘New Clown Face’ last fall so it would no longer be buried by an exuberant perennial geranium. It only grows 24 inches tall, but the flowers are huge: