Daylily ‘Starman’s Quest’

by Em
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My ‘Starman’s Quest’ daylily took forever to bloom. I planted it in the summer of 2006, but the following year it just lounged in the ground without blooming.  Last year it sent up one scape with several scary-looking flowers on it. I was tempted to dig it up, but I’m trying to be more patient with my plants. Lately some of my biggest surprises have come from plants that took their sweet time.

This summer, ‘Starman’s Quest’ finally sent up a half-dozen scapes and bloomed for several weeks. The 7-inch, mauve-violet flowers appear on towering 40-inch scapes.


‘Starman’s Quest’ blooms at the same time as ‘Wayside King Royale’ and the two complement one another nicely.

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