For the last several years I’ve grown Coreopsis ‘Ruby Kiss’:

The plants have lacy, see-through foliage and grow 46 inches tall. You can sow seeds directly in the garden once the soil warms up in spring, but I prefer to start the seeds indoors 3 or 4 weeks ahead of time.
This year I had a little issue with hungry rabbits devouring some of the plants before they could take off, but other than that they have no disease or pest issues.

When the seed catalogs started arriving I was excited to see that there’s a new coreopsis that looks a lot like ‘Ruby Kiss’, but it’s perfect for the front of a flowerbed because it grows only 8 to 10 inches tall.
‘Corusco Cream-Red’ won the 2024 Fleuroselect Approved Novelty Award and is a 2025 Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner.
The flowers attract pollinators and the plants are heat and drought-tolerant.
I’m excited to try this new coreopsis in my flowerbeds next summer.