Daylily ‘Kansas Kitten’

by Em

Daylily ‘Kansas Kitten’ was on my wish list since it was registered in 2002. I finally found one for sale for a reasonable price in 2008, and it bloomed in my garden for the first time last summer. It was so worth the wait:

‘Kansas Kitten’ grows 22 inches tall with gorgeous, 5-inch lavender flowers with a dark purple eye. My new plant bloomed for over a month, and I could not stop snapping photographs.

I have quite a few purple daylilies, but this beauty blows them all away.

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ear March 15, 2010 - 6:20 pm

This is beautiful. Did you get your plant from Oakes? I don’t think I need any more day lilies, but just one more won’t hurt, will it? Of course, there are several more from your collection that are tempting me!!

Em March 15, 2010 - 6:40 pm

I found ‘Kansas Kitten’ at the WDS daylily sale. When it’s big enough, I’ll share! 🙂

ear March 16, 2010 - 2:01 pm

Thanks so much for offering to share “Kansas Kitten”. I love the name!
I’m assuming it may be a year or two before “Kitten” is big enough to share?
I’m looking forward to seeing color soon in the garden. The green on the day lilies is growing larger each day. No uncovering of them, though. We’ll probably have snow before too long, plus some cold nights (and maybe even cold days!).

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