Daylily ‘Coleman Hawkins’

by Em
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This spring I had to move my ‘Coleman Hawkins’ daylily because the area it was growing in was getting too shady. My plant has been getting smaller instead of bigger each year, and in March when the foliage peaked out I noticed the plant had moved over about 6 inches. It was time to dig it out and move it to a sunnier location.

‘Coleman Hawkins’ sports bright orange flowers with a golden-yellow throat. The flowers are huge (8 inches) and appear on 28-inch scapes. Even in its shady location my plant bloomed for many weeks.

When the morning sun shines on ‘Coleman Hawkins’ the petals and sepals glow:

‘Coleman Hawkins’ looks great with yellow or red flowers but you can also get a little wild and plant it with pinks and purples (in the top photo my plant is next to Zinnia ‘Purple Prince’ and in the bottom photo, Daylily ‘Slow Burn’).

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