Better Luck Next Year

by Em
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My annuals had it pretty rough this year. They were attacked mercilessly by earwigs, slugs, Japanese beetles, baby rabbits and way too much rain. I spotted powdery mildew on some of my flowers in mid-June. That’s a first. And now many others are wilting from fungal or bacterial diseases.

The earwigs have been relentless. Most of my petunias are as tiny as they day I planted them, so it’s impossible for me to evaluate any of them except to say they’re very tasty to earwigs.

My flowerbeds still look okay from a distance, but up close they’re a big ol’ mess. I usually make it to mid-August before I start dreaming about next year’s garden. This summer that feeling overwhelmed me in early July.

There are still some bright spots, however, and one of them is AAS winner zinnia ‘Zahara Starlight Rose’. The plants weren’t as appealing to the insects or bunnies so they grew into nice clumps and have been flowering continuously since June.

Zahara zinnias grow 12 to 18 inches tall. Mine are closer to 12 inches, but it’s been a strange summer so it’s possible they’re just reacting to all the rain. Zaharas like it sunny and hot. The good news is that despite the wet conditions, my plants show no signs of disease.

‘Zahara Starlight Rose’ has already assured itself a spot in the perfect garden I plan to grow next summer.

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