Now or Never

by Em
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I’m not sure what to make of ‘Night Beacon’. It’s a very eye-catching daylily with dark-purple flowers and a bright, chartreuse throat. I just wish I would see more of those pretty flowers. I’ve grown ‘Night Beacon’ for four years now, but it has only bloomed for me during two of those four years. I was happy to see some flowers again this summer, but there were very few to admire.

My plant grows next to dozens of daylilies that are thriving, so I can’t really blame the pathetic flower production on poor soil or lack of sunshine.

I’m usually not very patient with plants that don’t perform, but I think I’ve given ‘Night Beacon’ more than enough time to prove itself. It’s time to decide whether to move it and hope it springs to life, or introduce it to my compost bin.

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