Veggies Galore

by Em
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I ordered some tomato and pepper seeds over the winter, but I didn’t sow any of the seeds because in February my friend and I decided to let someone else grow the vegetables for us this year. We signed up for and will split a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share between our households for the next 7 months.

I can honestly say I’ve never craved a vegetable in my life, so this is going to be a culinary adventure and challenge. I’ve been collecting recipes over the last couple of months so I don’t panic when the first share arrives which, by the way, is TOMORROW!

We also got a fruit share to make this crazy experiment more palatable to my husband. I don’t think he’s very excited about the vegetable part, but he’s certainly looking forward to fresh fruit. Our vegetable share already includes rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries and melons. Since Wisconsin’s harsh winters limit the types of fruits that can be grown here our CSA farm partners with organic fruit growers around the country to add more “exotic” fruits like pineapples, kiwis, dates, pomegranates and clementines to the Wisconsin-grown fruits like cherries, apples, pears, blueberries and cranberries.

Despite the avalanche of fruits and vegetables that is about to overwhelm us, I still couldn’t stop myself from buying one little ‘Cherokee Purple’ tomato plant.

When the chipmunks eat all the tomatoes before I have a chance to pick them, I may actually be thankful this year!

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