Tomato Time

by Em
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For the last couple of years I’ve grown about 20 tomato plants—all of them different kinds. The chipmunks and squirrels took a lot of fun out of it by chomping on much of the ripe fruit before I was able to pick it. And the sunniest spot in my yard is next to my screen porch, so that’s where I planted most of the tomatoes. Because I grew heirlooms that can get as high as 7 feet tall, they blocked the view of my flowerbeds all summer long.

This year I only planted 3 tomato plants—and two are the same cultivar. I’m growing two plants of an heirloom tomato my brother-in-law introduced me to a few years ago called Rose de Berne.

And for cherry tomatoes I purchased ‘Sun Sugar’ which has already had ripe fruit.

So far the critters haven’t any taken bites out of the tomatoes, and I’m really enjoying being able to see my flowerbeds when I sit on the screen porch.

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