Daylily ‘Army Knights’

by Em
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Last summer I ordered a couple of TNT plants from Solaris Farms. Daylilies designated with TNT are Top Northern Tier. They explain:

Daylilies marked TNT must have shown good resistance to adverse climate conditions, which includes low/high temperatures, water in the environment (or lack of) and freeze thaw conditions. Flowers must be relatively consistent throughout the bloom season and bud counts need to be better than average. Good looking foliage and growth habits are also expected. We want our plants to look good without the assistance of specialized conditions. The plants need to look good in a clump, be showy in a garden setting and prosper over a long period without division.

‘Army Knights’ is one of their TNT daylilies that I purchased and tucked in my front yard flowerbed last summer. This tetraploid, dormant daylily grows 32 inches tall with 6-inch golden-yellow flowers.

While I’ve never lost a daylily in the front yard, the plants grown there have to be extra tough as they sit on top of a north-facing wall and are also exposed to salt spray from snow plows that salt and sand our streets in the winter.

So far ‘Army Knights’ is looking great!

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