The Perfect Petunia

by Em

I like petunias, but I’ve had difficulty finding a cultivar that looks good all summer. Some get leggy or spindly. Others have leaves that turn brown and die from the center of the plant leaving scraggly stems and an ugly hole. I’ve tried old ones, new ones, Waves, Supertunias, Surfinias. Some perform better than others, but ultimately I have to massively deadhead, sheer them back or yank them out all together at some point in the season. I’ve used different fertilizing schemes, watered less, watered more. Nothing works.

I finally found the exception. It’s Petunia ‘Opera Supreme Pink Morn’. I bought a packet of seeds from Park, sprouted them indoors this spring and planted them outside in one of my raised flowerbeds. This cultivar is a 2007 All-America Selection (AAS) winner and the description bragged about its free-flowering, self-cleaning habit. It did not disappoint.

I planted four of them together and they quickly spread into a nice clump that spilled over the edge of my raised bed. They survived drought conditions in July and an August with 14 inches of rain. I have not touched the plants since I put them in the ground. They still look as fabulous as the first day they began to bloom. I gave some of the extra plants to my sister and she reports the same excellent results in her garden.

Petunia ‘Opera Supreme Pink Morn’ not only beats all other petunias, it’s probably the best performing annual I’ve sprouted from seed in 15 years.

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Em’s Garden » Garden Winner: Petunia ‘Opera Supreme Pink Morn’ November 5, 2007 - 7:00 am

[…] when our high is supposed to be 39 and our low 24), I need to give one last shout-out to the ‘Opera Supreme Pink Morn‘ petunias. They are now in their 6th month of bloom. They’ve flowered longer than any […]

Em’s Garden » Garden Winner: Petunia ‘Tidal Wave Silver’ January 22, 2008 - 1:58 pm

[…] my love affair with Petunia ‘Opera Supreme Pink Morn’ this past gardening season, one of my favorite petunia varieties to grow was ‘Tidal Wave […]

Em’s Garden » What’s Blooming 6-9-08 June 9, 2008 - 12:01 pm

[…] favorite petunia cultivar is also starting to bloom. The Opera Supreme ‘Pink Morn’ flowers were pummeled by rain, but my ‘Lilac Ice’ flowers fared a bit […]

Em’s Garden » What’s Blooming: 6-10-08 June 10, 2008 - 7:35 pm

[…] My favorite petunia has finally popped ( Opera Supreme ‘Pink Morn’): […]

Em’s Garden » Electric Petunias October 3, 2008 - 6:32 am

[…] this cultivar needs pinching and I’ve gotten spoiled over the last few years by champs like Petunia Opera Supreme ‘Pink Morn’ that I can completely ignore all summer and yet the plants never get leggy or […]

Em’s Garden » Garden Winner: Petunia ‘Opera Supreme Lilac Ice’ December 17, 2008 - 7:31 am

[…] sibling, Petunia ‘Opera Supreme Lilac Ice’ is a delight to grow. I’ve raved about ‘Opera Supreme Pink Morn’ so I was excited to try a new color, ‘Lilac Ice’, this past […]

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