Garden Winner: Petunia ‘Opera Supreme Pink Morn’

by Em
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There has been ice on the birdbath the last few mornings, but I still haven’t had any frost and many of my plants continue to bloom.

Before the growing season comes to a screeching halt (which it should do tomorrow when our high is supposed to be 39 and our low 24), I need to give one last shout-out to the ‘Opera Supreme Pink Morn‘ petunias. They are now in their 6th month of bloom. They’ve flowered longer than any annual I’ve ever sprouted from seed or purchased, and they did it in style. They never took a rest, never needed trimming back or deadheading and didn’t have a single disease or pest problem. I’ve never grown anything like it.

I just learned that they will eventually be available in more colors (Blue, Coral, Lavender, Lilac Ice, Salmon and Purple and White). I can’t wait to grow more of these amazing plants in my garden.

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