Oriental Lily ‘Tiger Edition’

by Em

The best way I can describe July 2011 is “miserably hot.” I didn’t spend as much time outside in my garden as I usually do, and if it weren’t for the fact that I needed to keep attaching the hose to my various soaker hose configurations, I would’ve missed the displays from my Oriental lilies entirely.

One lily that I did catch in action is ‘Tiger Edition’:

‘Tiger Edition’ has pink flowers with a red vein and a splattering of red freckles. The bulbs grow 3 to 4 feet tall and the outfacing flowers are very large with a classic Oriental lily scent.

‘Tiger Edition’ can fade a bit in the sun, so it benefits from some afternoon shade, especially in warmer climates.

‘Tiger Edition’ is hardy in Zones 5-9.

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jamesck18 March 2, 2014 - 9:18 am

A great looking lily. I have a few a lot of lilies, but decided to order a few this year — the beauty shown above, Hot Line, Tom Pouce, Cappuccino, Mango, Black Spider, Patricia’s Pride, and Soft Music. If I don’t have room I’ll give some to our son. Just couldn’t stop myself . Had more selected, but had to delete some! James

Em March 2, 2014 - 4:05 pm

Oh yes, it’s easy to get carried away with lilies. Sounds like you’ll be growing some beauties this year!

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