My New “Pets”

by Em

Orienpet lilies are a cross between Oriental lilies and Trumpet lilies. They are extremely robust plants that flower heavily, and they grow equally well in sun or part-shade.

My ‘Satisfaction’ Orienpet lilies grew almost 6 feet tall this summer. Their stalks were thick and sturdy.

Most Oriental lily cultivars come in shades of pink or white. Orienpets, on the other hand, are available in many more colors including peach, apricot, yellow, bronze and shades of red. They have a pleasant fragrance, but you have to get close to the flowers to detect it (unlike Oriental lilies which can fill a backyard with their heady scent).

Last year I had problems with ‘Satisfaction’ fading horribly in the sun. This year my plants bloomed just as temperatures soared into the mid- and upper-nineties. I was worried their color would last a day or two at best, but I was pleasantly surprised when they endured a week of intense heat with gusto.

I’ve been so impressed with ‘Satisfaction’ that this fall I decided to plant several more Orienpet bulbs including Conca d’or’,Lavon, and ‘Fujian’.

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ear November 9, 2011 - 2:45 pm

These Orienpet lilies are beautiful! I’d be tempted to purchase and plant a couple (or more) of these beauties, but I’m afraid it’s a bit too late to do so this fall. What do you think?

Em November 13, 2011 - 7:27 pm

The ground hasn’t frozen yet in southern WI, so you should still have time to plant lily bulbs (assuming a mail order company is able to send your order in a timely manner).

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