‘Sweetheart’ Orienpet Lily

by Em
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Last summer Orienpet ‘Sweetheart’ really put on a show in my front yard. I’m pretty sure I planted 5 bulbs in the fall of 2022 and this was the result:

A photo of Orienpet lilies blooming in a garden

‘Sweetheart’ grows 3 to 4 feet tall and blooms in late July and early August. These lilies are hardy to Zones 5-9.

A photo of Orienpet lilies blooming in a garden

You can mulch the bulbs in the winter to protect them if you’re on the colder side of that growing zone range. I’ve never done that and usually I’ve had good luck with lilies surviving our winters. My problem is always that chipmunks like to eat the bulbs.

This winter was mild, but when we did have bitterly-cold weather, there was no snow cover to insulate plants. I’m expecting some loss of perennials and maybe even some of my lilies.

A photo of Orienpet lilies blooming in a garden

Orienpet lilies are a cross between Oriental and Trumpet lilies. They have a slight fragrance and even grow happily in part-sun. I love these plants not just because they bloom so heavily, but because they seem to grow bigger and more sturdy every year (if the chipmunks leave the bulbs alone).

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