The Easy Amaryllis

by Em

I’ve given amaryllis bulbs as gifts, but I’ve never grown one myself until this year. The amaryllis is easy bulb to grow indoors because it doesn’t need a chilling period like tulips. You just pot up the bulb and watch it grow.

The bulbs are quite large:

They like to be cozy in the pot in which you plant them, but leave at least an inch of soil between the bulb and the edge of the pot in case you later need to push in a support stake for the flower stalk(s):

Use a potting mix that drains well, and plant the bulb up to its neck. Water thoroughly and place the pot in a warm location with direct light. Wait until green shoots appear before you water the bulb a second time. Amaryllis bulbs can rot if they get too wet, so always let the soil dry out between waterings.

Once in bloom, the flowers will last longer if you move the plant to a cooler location.

It took less than a month for my bulb to send up a stalk with 6 buds on it. ‘Christmas Star’ should open any day now:

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