Bee Balm ‘Pink Lace’

by Em
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Last summer I tried a new bee balm (Monarda didyma) called ‘Pink Lace’:

‘Pink Lace’ is a compact variety. The plants grow only 16 inches tall and are loaded with pretty, bright-pink flowers in the summer.

I didn’t notice any problems with powdery mildew on my plant, but I must admit that once the temperatures hit the mid-90s last July I didn’t spend as much time in the garden as I usually do.

I will be interested to see what the plant looks like when it pops up in the spring. Will it wander all over like most bee balms, or will it appear in a nice, tidy clump like my beloved ‘Grand Parade’?

I love the rich the combination of pink and purple, so I planted ‘Pink Lace’ with Geranium ‘Rozanne’ (Daylily ‘Double Cutie’ is in the foreground):

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