Fixing the Late-Summer Blahs

by Em

Two years ago when our growing season got a 45-day head start, there were few flowers left to enjoy by August. All of my daylilies finished blooming in July, and most of my other perennials and annuals were just plain pooped out by August.

Two exceptions were goldenrod and mums. I made a note to add more of both to my flowerbeds, and I bought several new mum cultivars the following spring. But I forgot all about the goldenrod until recently when I was sorting through some of my photos.

Goldenrods bloom for a month or more in late summer. They are always a hub of activity for bees, butterflies and many beneficial insects.

I’ve grown several cultivars including ‘Golden Baby’, ‘Crown of Rays’ and ‘Fireworks’. This spring I plan to add a few more of them to my flowerbeds for some late-season spark.


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