More ‘Daydream’ing

by Em
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The novelty of beheading my tulips has apparently worn off, as the critters have granted a stay of execution to my later-blooming varieties.

I did a post about tulip ‘Daydream’ about 2 weeks ago. The flowers are interesting because over time they change from apricot to orange to yellow.

I planted bulbs in two different locations in my yard. They bloomed about 2 weeks apart. This second batch seems to have things backwards. The flowers opened bright yellow. In fact if I hadn’t put a plant stake next to them I would’ve thought I was viewing ‘Yellow Purissima’.

They appeared sunny yellow for several days, and then the weather turned windy and rainy and I forgot about them for awhile. On the next sunny day, I was making the rounds with my camera and discovered that all the ‘Daydream’ flowers had turned from yellow to not just apricot, but vivid orange. They stayed like that for the remainder of their bloom time.

I might have to plant more of these quirky tulips in my yard. It’s kind of fun not knowing what color might appear next.

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