Asiatic Lily ‘Night Flyer’

by Em

During my regular morning stroll around my flowerbeds the other day, I was stopped in my tracks by Asiatic lily ‘Night Flyer’. Wow!

The 5-inch flowers are stunning. They are a gorgeous blackish-red with black freckles.

I planted my bulbs in a location that gets full sun until about 2 p.m. I was worried ‘Night Flyer’ might fade, but the color stayed true, even during a bout of scorching temperatures in the low 90s.

The plants grow 3 to 4 feet tall with outfacing flowers. I think they look especially fetching when the sun illuminates them from behind.

It’s hard to find perennials and bulbs in rich, dark colors. This beautiful lily is a great contrast for all the yellows, pinks and whites in the garden.

‘Night Flyer’ is a heavy bloomer and is hardy in Zones 3-10.

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