Up Close and Personal: Dahlia ‘Figaro Orange Shades’

by Em

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jamesck18 January 4, 2013 - 7:59 pm

A beautiful dahlia! I grew a red and a deep purple Figaro, along with other bedding dahlias grown from seed. I’m stuck with the shorter varities because of the wind. But I did grow two taller types – the Bishop of Llandaff (red) and Fire and Ice (red and white). Now I’m trying to decide what to get this coming season. I’ve saved the tubers from the past season’s crop. Hopefully they have not started to rot. This is my first attempt at saving tubers. Do you grow many dahlias? James

Em January 5, 2013 - 7:47 am

I wish I could grow more dahlias (the colors are so rich!), but the Japanese beetles crave them and chew the flowers to shreds. I can get away with sprouting the shorter varieties from seed like ‘Figaro’ or ‘Fireworks’ because they bloom later in the summer when the beetle population is winding down. I also usually indulge in one large variety cultivar each year if I can find a cheap tuber at a garden center. My brother-in-law grows beautiful tall and small dahlias (the beetles haven’t migrated to his area yet), and he has great success saving the tubers each year. I’ve never tried it, mostly because over winter my basement is too warm and my garage is too cold.

jamesck18 January 5, 2013 - 8:20 pm

In another response I made a reference to Fireworks. What was your experience with that variety?

Em January 6, 2013 - 3:31 pm

I thought ‘Fireworks’ had a particularly low flower to foliage ratio which was disappointing. I was really looking forward to those mixed-color flowers, but there just weren’t very many of them. I’ve had much better luck with ‘Figaro’.

jamesck18 January 6, 2013 - 7:54 pm

Right on! I had the same experience: short, too few flowers and all yellow (the occasional one with small flecks of stripes of red. I guess I should write the breeders — Thompson and Morgan, I think. James

jamesck18 January 10, 2013 - 5:49 pm

Contacted T&M and they are sending me a packet of Fireworks, even tho I bought the initial packet elsewhere. Probably will try a few of these. I can always give them away use in our summer cottage, if they turn out like last years. James

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