‘Candy Club’

by Em

I’ve fallen in love with another Orienpet lily cultivar. ‘Candy Club’ has pretty fuchsia flowers with white tips and a yellow-green center.

I only planted my bulbs last fall, so I was surprised by the number of flowers this lily displayed in its first year in my garden. I was a little worried when the flowers opened just as the hottest temperatures of the summer arrived, but that didn’t seem to affect them at all. They didn’t fade or shrivel, and new flowers continued to open over the next several weeks.

‘Candy Club’ has a sweet fragrance that’s especially noticeable on humid days. The flower stalks grow 3 to 4 feet tall, and the plants perform well in sun or partial-shade.

I liked this cultivar so much that I planted more bulbs this fall. This time I put 6 bulbs together for what I hope will be a spectacular show next July.



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jamesck18 January 9, 2013 - 8:08 pm

Looks great. Will get this one if available in Canada! James

Em January 10, 2013 - 8:04 am

It’s a great cultivar, I hope it’s available for you to try!

jamesck18 January 12, 2013 - 8:32 pm

Have you seen Miss Feya? It a lovely dark red Oriental Trumpet. It has one flaw – the flowers tend to drop down. I like to be able to see the full flower. Hope you understand me. Take a look to see the images on-line. An added note-have you had a problem with tiny white (worms?) destroying any of your llily bulbs?

Em January 13, 2013 - 10:47 am

Thankfully I’ve never had problems with any kind of insects on my lilies. The weather, chipmunks and chickadees trying to cache seeds in the flower buds are my only challenges. ‘Miss Feya’ IS a nice dark-red color. Like you, I don’t like down-facing lilies. Usually sellers will indicate if a lily is down-facing or up- or out-facing, but when they don’t I usually try to find as many photos of it as I can before I order because I just don’t like the down-facing ones.

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