Amaryllis ‘Red Peacock’

by Em

I picked up a couple of discounted amaryllis bulbs in late December when it looked like two of my mail-order bulbs would be duds (they weren’t—I just wasn’t patient enough). ‘Red Peacock’ popped open this week:

The 6-inch flowers are shrieking-scarlet-red and fully double. Each petal is supposed to have a thin, white line down the center, but it’s only noticeable on a few of my plant’s petals.

‘Red Peacock’ is certainly an attention-getter. The scapes grow 18 to 24 inches tall.

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jamesck18 January 31, 2013 - 8:29 am

These certainly would catch one’s attention – such vivid red. Very few Amarallis to buy around here or I’ve looked in the wrong places. James

Em January 31, 2013 - 8:53 am

The best time to find them is November and December. Around here, in addition to garden centers, you can often find them sold in little boxes as a kit (for gifts, I suppose) in places like hardware stores, drugstores and even the occasional big box store.

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